Presentation of Telos magazine: We need values in digital governance


The Espacio Fundación Telefónica, in Madrid, hosted the presentation of Telos magazine’s issue no. 125, entitled Digital Pact. The event opened with a speech by Luis Prendes, the host as general director of the Fundación Telefónica. After this, a brief debate was held, moderated by Juan Zafra, the magazine’s director. Among the speakers were Silvia Leal, a PhD in Sociology; Juan Luis Redondo, director of Public Policy at Telefónica; and Ana Caballero, vice president of the European Association for Digital Transition (EADT).

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The Digital Markets Act: five key questions


Following 15 months of negotiations, we’ve got white smoke. On Thursday, March 24, the technicians and experts at the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council reached an  agreement on the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Below, we provide a summary of this new regulation by looking at five questions. 

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Madrid City Council: “Citizens need to understand that the type of city they want depends on their buying decisions”


How can we prevent the big Internet platforms from killing off local businesses, with the devastating consequences their disappearance would have on neighbourhoods? The European Association for Digital Transition, in collaboration with the digital newspaper El Confidencial, recently organised a debate on this question in Madrid during the second edition of its campaign, ‘Save your zone’

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New edition of ‘Save your zone’: for fairer and more sustainable business


For the second consecutive year, the European Association for Digital Transition is launching the ‘Save your zone’ campaign, an effort to raise awareness on the diminishing competition in business and the effects this has on various levels, such as activity in neighbourhoods, employment, and tax revenues. 

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Unchecked technology, democracies in danger: Beyond fake news


Since the U.S. presidential election and the Brexit referendum, both in 2016, the risk to Western democracies from fake news has been part of the global political debate. But in the twenty-first century, five years of technology is a long time. And the dangers have grown, becoming more sophisticated. While platforms and the authorities barely manage to lessen the spread of fake news on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp, new risks are starting to be tangible within the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In 2021, we should no longer trust a video with inflammatory statements from a political leader: it might have been created with AI. And these deep fakes are just one of the manifestations of the phenomenon we find ourselves in. 

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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day has become passé: it needs a new push


On Monday, May 17, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is once again being celebrated. The commemoration is the result of a 2006 resolution from the UN General Assembly. Its purpose? To promote knowledge on the possibilities for development and economic and social prosperity from the Internet and other information technologies. 

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City councils facing the digital transition: Barcelona proposes online delivery tax


The complex debate on taxation of large Internet platforms affects all levels, from the large institutions involved in global governance – such as the G20 and IMF – to city councils in cities that have around two million people, such as Barcelona. For a while now the Catalan city council has been working to implement a tax on home delivery of online purchases. The measure is after an essential objective: to defend the traditional commercial structure and small businesses from the rise of e-commerce, a market dominated by multinational platforms such as Amazon and AliExpress. 

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It’s not just business, it’s the future of European sovereignty


Surely the scene is familiar to you. To give a gift, the discounts or just in daily life, we turn to e-commerce, so comfortable and tempting in these strange times when crowds make us feel apprehensive. And once we decide to buy ‘online’, the most reliable alternative is Amazon, with its huge offer, competitive prices and, above all, its efficient delivery system.

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Post-holiday business blues and the future of European sovereignty


The Christmas holidays are over, extended in Spain to Three Kings Day, and the yearly ritual now heads directly to the sales season. A few years back it was a big social and economic event; now, in part because of the effect from Black Friday, it’s lost some relevance but is still marked on the calendar in red for many businesses.

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The European Recovery Plan and Digitalization: urgency mustn’t distract from the essentials


The serious discrepancies between the European Parliament and the Council, chaired this six-month period by Germany, confirm what was already felt: It will not be easy to implement the historic EU post-COVID reconstruction agreement, closed last July by the heads of government. This is bad news for everyone, but especially for the countries most in need of this shot of investment, such as Italy and Spain. 

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