Citizen participation and the future of the EU: An opportunity at the Conference on the Future of Europe


Two current phenomena – the cyclical change the EU has entered following Brexit and the outbreak of COVID-19 and the need to improve the participatory mechanisms in liberal democracies – largely explain the launch, at the end of 2020, of the Conference on the future of Europe. We can define this as a large forum which, over more than a year, gives European citizens a channel to express their positions and recommendations on major issues that are already marking the future of the Union and of the entire planet. This is a good opportunity, therefore, for citizen’s to participate in EU debates, which are often accused of being removed from societal realities.

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Data and digital rights: What you should know about children’s apps


Children interact with technology at increasingly younger ages, which raises concerns about protecting their privacy, security, and confidentiality in the digital environment. Although laws have been passed in recent years, incorporating specific articles into existing legislation and creating rules to regulate cookies and illegal advertising, many adults don’t know what rules exist or what they should consider when young children use mobile phones and tablets.

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