Why the Spanish Data Protection Agency does not like Google Workspace for Education

Why the Spanish Data Protection Agency does not like Google Workspace for Education

The use of technological tools in education is already common in primary and secondary schools, but over the past few months it has also become part of the debate about the possible negative effects of the use of technology among minors. Digitalisation in education, as in so many other areas, creates many benefits and opportunities. But at the same time, unfortunately, it opens the door to possible abuses by the big Internet giants, who base their business on the use of data, in this case data from a vulnerable population, that is, minors.

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The EADT calls on the European Commission to recognise digital networks as strategic infrastructures

The EADT calls on the European Commission to recognise digital networks as strategic infrastructures

The EADT has submitted its comments in response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the White Paper – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? Our contributions revolve around one concept: the economic dimension of digital sovereignty which, as we have always advocated, must be a priority for the EU powers.

Our analyses and recommendations are based on a comprehensive view that considers digital infrastructure not only as a technical element but as a public good that is essential for the economic, technological and social development of the European Union.

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Comments from the EADT regarding the draft law on minors in the digital environment: We need more effective protection

Comments from the EADT regarding the draft law on minors in the digital environment: We need more effective protection

The complexity of the digital environment and the protection of minors within it is a multifaceted challenge. There is no single measure that can completely solve this problem.

In this sense, the preliminary draft of the Organic Law for the protection of minors in the digital environment, presented by the Spanish government, offers real progress. But it also creates significant concerns.

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Spanish government law to protect minors online is on right track but needs ambition and consensus

Spanish government law to protect minors online is on right track but needs ambition and consensus

The European Association for Digital Transition (EADT) takes a positive view on the draft law to protect minors in the digital realm, presented on June 4, 2024 following the Council of Ministers meeting. But all these measures could end up being ineffective if they are not implemented ambitiously, demanding accountability from platforms and online services, and with political consensus above and beyond partisanship. “It is not about pressuring companies just because, but rather about protecting children and adolescents from specific phenomena that are very dangerous”, says Ana Caballero, vice president of the EADT and spokeswoman for the organisation on issues affecting minors.

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Children, adolescents and problems with digital tools: the responsibility of the large internet platforms

Children, adolescents and problems with digital tools: the responsibility of the large internet platforms

The vice president of the European Association for Digital Transition (EADT), Ana Caballero, recently took part in some seminars held by the Andalusian Parliament. Organised by the Audiovisual Council of Andalusia, the session ‘The consequences of being the first digital natives’ analysed from various perspectives the risks involved in the overexposure of minors to screentime.

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The ‘Letta report’ and the European digital transition: An intelligent wake-up call

The ‘Letta report’ and the European digital transition: An intelligent wake-up call

Bringing back a style that has been absent for decades, what is being called the “Letta report” – drafted by former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta on behalf of the European Council – is causing a major stir in European institutions. In part, it is a much-needed self-criticism. But it is also in part a wake-up call for the parliamentary majority that will emerge from the upcoming European elections and, with it, the shaping of the new College of Commissioners. Letta brings back one of the basic concepts on which all European politics must pivot, which is the “single market”, and what he defines as “five basic freedoms”: the ones that Jacques Delors formulated in his day – the free movement of people, goods, services and capital – and adding a fifth related to research, innovation and education.

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New York vs. TikTok, Facebook and YouTube for using addictive algorithms

New York vs. TikTok, Facebook and YouTube for using addictive algorithms

The news that New York City was filing a lawsuit against various social media companies including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube appeared in the media and then quickly disappeared. At first glance, it may seem like a complaint doomed to failure. Nevertheless, that is not so.

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Chaired by Ana Caballero, the group of experts to regulate protecting minors on the Internet gets to work

Chaired by Ana Caballero, the group of experts to regulate protecting minors on the Internet gets to work

The group of fifty experts convened by the Ministry of Youth and Children to improve the protection of minors in the digital realm, chaired by Ana Caballero, had its first meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Its job is to develop a roadmap that, in the coming months, will be the basis for the subsequent report on the protection of minors, adolescents and young people in the digital environment. Special interest will be placed on phenomena such as cyberbullying, the effect of social media on adolescent mental health or the access to extreme content.

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Key points from the presentation in Congress of the State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm

Key points from the presentation in Congress of the State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm

The State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm – an initiative promoted by the European Association for Digital Transition (EADT) – continues to gain momentum. On February 13, 2024, the EADT organised a presentation of the proposal with a symposium in the Congress of Deputies, which was inaugurated by the president of the Chamber, Francina Armengol.

It was a full morning of work and reflection, structured around several roundtables and speeches. Below please find a summary and videos from the three roundtables, as well as the final speeches by the president of the EADT, Ricardo Rodríguez Contreras, and the minister of Youth and Children, Sira Rego.

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Advocates for the State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm call for regulations and measures that go beyond pornography

Advocates for the State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm call for regulations and measures that go beyond pornography

Advocates for the State Pact to protect minors in the digital realm – the European Association for Digital Transition, Dale una Vuelta, Fundación ANAR, iCMedia, Save The Children and UNICEF España – presented their initiative on Tuesday, February 13, in the Congress of Deputies with a symposium entitled “The protection of minors in the digital realm: a social and political challenge”. The event aimed to strengthen consensus and encourage the participation of civil society in the face of political and legislative initiatives expected over the coming months, following the announcement of a law to prevent minors from accessing pornography and the creation, from the Ministry of Youth and Children, of a working group of experts in which several of these organizations form part, among them the European Association for Digital Transition itself.

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