Please use the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR DIGITAL TRANSITION website responsibly and, before proceeding, read the site’s current Privacy Policy and Legal Notice, as the content is binding on you as a user of the website.
The owner of this website is the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (hereinafter, EADT®), a non-profit entity established for an indefinite period of time. For more information about the EADT®, please read the Legal Notice.
The EADT® respects the fundamental rights, public freedoms and interests of all the people it deals with. Therefore, the EADT® also respects all legal requirements regarding data protection, safeguarding, in accordance with them, the personal data it collects and processes.
1. Data collection
The EADT® provides information about the purposes for which it collects personal data at the time of its collection. In this sense, the EADT® does not collect more data than is strictly necessary.
However, we wish to inform you that, as a general rule, the personal data you provide us will be processed in order to take care of your request for information, by means of a phone call or email, as well as to inform you about actions taken by the EADT® when you allow this. The EADT® will not transfer your data to third parties. In accordance with the provisions in the legal framework for data protection, the EADT® guarantees the right of interested parties to revoke the consent granted for its use, to exercise their rights of rights of access, rectification, restriction, portability, opposition and erasure. For any of these actions, the interested party must send a written request to
The EADT® will indicate the processing that is additional or different from what has been mentioned and to which the data collected in each case will be subjected to, as well as the purpose for which it will be processed, on each of the data collection forms. We remind you that you CANNOT enter data from third parties. Should you need to do so, please contact us by email at and we will help you.
We strongly recommend you read the information located at the bottom of each of these forms before accepting them. We remind you that sending any of the forms implies full acceptance of the terms mentioned.
2. Data transfers
The EADT® does not transfer personal data to third parties without first informing its owners of what data is going to be transferred, the identity of who it is being transferred to, their activity and the purposes for which these transferees can use the data, and unless, if necessary, consent of the owners of the data has also been obtained.
3. Cross-border data processing
The EADT® does not do cross-border processing of the data from its clients without invoking one of the circumstances that allow this.
4. Security
The EADT® has adopted the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the personal data it processes. Thus, the EADT® applies the security measures required by the principle of security and only hires – despite its higher cost – Internet service providers (ISPs) that comply with the strictest international standards for information security management.
5.- Cookies
The AETD® does not use cookies to collect information from Users.
It may happen that the website owned by the AETD® sends links to third-party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated. If you access such websites, please review their privacy and cookie policies before accepting them. In general, if you browse the internet you can accept or reject third-party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.
6. Commercial communications
The EADT® sends commercial communications by electronic means to the email addresses and mobile phone numbers provided during the hiring of services if these have been previously requested or permitted by their owners. The EADT® will request your consent to do this in all data collection forms and will give you the option to withdraw this consent in each and every communication sent to you.
In any case, the EADT® provides the option to choose whether or not to receive these types of communications; allows you to withdraw consent in all electronic commercial communications sent; and permits you to withdraw consent at any time you wish.
7. Rights of data holders
The EADT® allows holders of personal data to exercise their rights of access, rectification, restriction, portability, opposition and erasure in the terms set out in the General Data Protection Regulation and its development regulations. To do so, you must contact the EADT® Data Protection Officer by email:
You may also claim protection from the supervisory authority of your choice (
8. Validity and modification of this data protection policy
This privacy policy is in effect as of March 1, 2021. The EADT® reserves the right to unilaterally modify its privacy policy in the event that there is a change in current legislation or in case law, or based on internal criteria. Any changes made to this policy will be posted at this same address.
Current version: Privacy policy v2.0
Effective date: October 1, 2022
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction
This website and its use by users are governed by Spanish and European legislation. Any controversy that may arise regarding the application, compliance or interpretation of these conditions will be resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid, unless legally corresponding to another jurisdiction.
10. Acceptance and legal contact
By browsing the EADT® website you declare that you have read, understand, are aware of and accept, without reservation, all its legal terms. To resolve any doubt about the content or scope of this privacy policy please contact us at
We will be happy to assist you.
Thank you very much for your attention!