Artificial Intelligence can’t be a China-US duopoly


A recent report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) warns of the disparities occurring in development of the data economy and, more specifically, in its application to an area of enormous potential, Artificial Intelligence (AI). The ‘Digital Economy Report 2021. Cross-border data flows and development: For whom the data flow’ details somewhat crudely a panorama that has been worrisome for the EADT since its beginnings: A China-US duopoly is being built, in which all the rest, and also Europe, of course, would be little more than just data providers. 

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Historic G7 agreement: En-route to fairer taxes on big tech


The seven most powerful economies in the world, assembled in the Group of 7 (G7), have reached an historic agreement on taxes on big tech: multinationals with a profit margin above 10% will have to pay at least 20% of their taxes where they produce profits and not, as many do, in countries with low tax rates where they base their operating headquarters. Moreover, these powers have agreed to set 15% as the minimum tax rate, lowering the proposal from the United States, which was 21%. France was also hoping for a higher common rate. 

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A digital levy in the EU: Our response to the European Commission consultation


Last February, the European Commission opened a public consultation process as part of its work to create a digital levy in the EU. This is not only in response to the economic and business changes that have been accelerated by the pandemic, but also to bring order to the different initiatives from the Member States. Appropriate taxation for the digital economy, with its ability to break down political boundaries, is a matter of great global interest and a subject that both the G20 and the OECD are also working on. 

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The ‘shadow value of personal data’: What value does something apparently “free” have for the consumer?


Various events are being held this week to celebrate World Consumer Rights Day, a day in which civil society and regulators defend the rights of citizens-consumers. This year, the date takes on a special relevance. This is because it is being held in the midst of major discussions within the European institutions that are designing one of the most important regulatory frameworks for the coming years, that is, the ‘Digital Acts’ regulatory package: DSA, DMA, and DGA.

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The future of work, according to Uber


For years we have been witness to a range of debates, formulations, and written proposals on the future of work. The impact of digitalization and technological change sparks many of these debates, as do trends that have long existed as a result of changes in how the workforce is composed, business models, and, ultimately, the process of globalisation that accelerated at the end of the last century.

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Don’t say marketplace, say Amazon


A recent report by analysis firm Credit Suisse predicted that Inditex, the Spanish multinational that owns the Zara brand, would end up selling its garments on Zalando, a German marketplace. The report foresaw that the same would happen with another important European textile giant, H&M. It would be, according to Credit Suisse, not only a logical step but also a necessary one in the face of how rapidly physical commerce is evolving, which is in a sharp decline that has been accelerated by the pandemic. 

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Data Governance Act: Europe moves towards a sovereign data market


The Data Governance Act being prepared by the European Commission is a key element in creating a single data market aligned with European Union values and principles. It’s obvious the EU starts with a disadvantage in this area, but the technological developments still to come, in which the roll out of 5G and the Internet of Things will play a key role, make it clear there is still a long way to go, especially in the industrial field. 

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‘Save your zone’, one more step in defence of European sovereignty


The ‘Save your zone’ campaign has seen significant development institutionally. During November and December, the EADT sent hundreds of letters explaining its position to the mayors of the main cities in Spain, Italy, France and Germany, as well as to dozens of trade associations, employers and unions. 

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It’s not just business, it’s the future of European sovereignty


Surely the scene is familiar to you. To give a gift, the discounts or just in daily life, we turn to e-commerce, so comfortable and tempting in these strange times when crowds make us feel apprehensive. And once we decide to buy ‘online’, the most reliable alternative is Amazon, with its huge offer, competitive prices and, above all, its efficient delivery system.

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Post-holiday business blues and the future of European sovereignty


The Christmas holidays are over, extended in Spain to Three Kings Day, and the yearly ritual now heads directly to the sales season. A few years back it was a big social and economic event; now, in part because of the effect from Black Friday, it’s lost some relevance but is still marked on the calendar in red for many businesses.

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