The Spanish government wants to prevent minors from accessing porn: they’re right, but we need to go much further


The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has announced that the government wants to approve a law to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content online. It is, to date, the most important step forward in a political debate that has been growing ever louder in recent months, and in which the European Association for Digital Transition has been involved from the start.

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The State Pact proposal to protect minors in the digital realm now has a website:


The proposal for a state pact to defend minors in the digital realm now has its own website. At, associations, foundations, regulators and citizens can find all the information about this civil society initiative, which is designed to provide a basis for consensus regarding the problems children and adolescents are facing in digital environments.

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The Attorney General’s Office joins the State Pact proposal to protect children and adolescents in the digital realm


The proposal for a state pact to defend minors in the digital realm has new institutional support: the Juvenile Unit of the Attorney General’s Office (FGE in its Spanish abbreviation). The Juvenile Unit, led by chief prosecutor Eduardo Esteban, is joining this civil society initiative, the result of a consensus between six entities – the European Association for Digital Transition (EADT), promoter of the initiative, plus Save The Children, Fundación ANAR, iCMedia, Dale la Vuelta and UNICEF – and which already has support from the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

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Vulnerable minors on the Internet: Foundations get activated and look to Congress

menores vulnerables en internet

This past June, six civil society organisations – the European Association for Digital Transition, EADT, promoter of the initiative, plus UNICEF, Save the Children, Dale una vuelta, iCMedia and the Fundación Anar – presented, with institutional support from the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), a proposal for a state pact to protect minors in the digital world.

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We need children to have a healthier digital life: The role of Foundations

We need children to have a healthier digital life: The role of Foundations

Social awareness on the risks minors face in the digital world is growing stronger. After years of taking uncritical positions, public opinion is increasingly aware that access by children and adolescents to the Internet, especially with mobile phones, involves characteristics that must be taken into account.

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The case of minors on the Internet and social networks: a presence in the July 23 electoral campaign


Spanish society is increasingly more aware that improper use of the Internet and social networks by minors is a growing problem that must be faced resolutely. This is why the issue has entered the electoral campaign debate for the upcoming elections on July 23rd.

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EADT leads proposal for a state pact to protect minors from risks on the Internet and social networks

state-pact-to-protect minors

Six civil society entities – the European Association for Digital Transition (EADT), promoter of the initiative, joined by Save the Children, the ANAR Foundation, iCMedia, Dale Una Vuelta and UNICEF – with institutional support from the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) have presented a proposal for a state pact to protect minors on the Internet and social networks. The initiative forms part of the start of Spain’s presidency of the European Union and before the upcoming general elections on July 23rd, which will result in a new legislature. 

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The EADT launches the campaign ‘A un clic de ayudarles’ (‘Just a click away from helping them’) to raise awareness about the risks children and adolescents face online

Today the European Association for Digital Transition is launching the campaign ‘A un click de ayudarles‘ (‘Just a click away from helping them’) in collaboration with the Atresmedia Foundation, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and the ANAR Foundation (helping children and teenagers at risk). The aim of this initiative is to encourage parents to take a more active role in the online activity of minors, alerting them to its risks – such as cyberbullying, isolation or self-esteem problems – and also to the characteristics of certain business models on  the platforms and social networks, which are based on profiling the minor’s data for Its subsequent commercialisation via advertising. 

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The future of employment: a new framework for a new paradigm beyond work


The world of work has changed forever. Even so, often we aren’t capable of seeing the entire picture. It’s not just a question of lost jobs, emerging professions, new working relationships… The revolution in employment, as a consequence of digitalisation, cannot be understood, in spite of its enormous transcendence, as an isolated event. As the president of the EADT, Ricardo Rodríguez, wrote in the latest edition of the magazine Telos, it is differentiated from other socio-labour revolutions in that it converges with the climate crisis. Accordingly, humanity is facing the challenge of shaping digital transition along with environmental sustainability. “Managing this transition requires democratic, social and economic control”, says the article. “It needs to build a framework that repositions people and citizens at the centre of equitable governance that shapes our future, and not just the future of work”. 

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What do children and adolescents need on the Internet? Tune into the conference ‘The survival of minors in a data-driven world’


Being a child or teenager in the digital age is a very different experience from what previous generations had. From a very early age, minors are exposed to the fact that, through the Internet and social networks, their personal data is commercialized, and this use of private information can have consequences for the future that we barely perceive. And, like adults, they also suffer from some of the most harmful effects of the Internet, such as false information or the creation of information bubbles. In this, the big tech companies do not discriminate: the algorithm knows virtually nothing about being of legal age.  

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